Here is a sampling of what I made with this week’s CSA harvest.
I also made minestrone soup because I had so much
zucchini, onions, tomatoes, and garlic so that I can stock
up for the winter.

The linked recipe uses a cheese spread but you can make this
simply with toasted bread topped with salted and
peppered tomatoes and fresh basil.

view from top side view to show middle layer streudel

I posted this blueberry bread recipe a while ago but this
version has a middle layer of cinnamon streusel
and a layer on top to give this a super crunchy texture
and a not-too-sweet taste. Also, good to note
these breads were made in 8×4 loaf pans so
I was able to get three breads out of the recipe instead of
two using a 9×5 loaf pan. Cooking time took about
60 minutesof the 75 including a turn of the pans
halfway through cooking.