Back in December, I enrolled in a program to become a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. Right now, I am learning alot about grains, beneficial nutrients, anti-inflammatory foods, the differences between Celiac, wheat allergy and gluten sensitivity, elimination diets, how fat and sugar are metabolized differently in the body, how adding stress-relieving moments into your daily routine, including yoga and meditation, can have significant positive physiological effects on the body and the brain.
In an effort to have a first-and experience, my husband and I are in the middle of our 2-week modified elimination diet. We chose to be gluten-free and dairy-free. I am not aware of any negative impact of having these foods for my body but my husband suspects dairy might be the root cause of his intestinal issues (maybe TMI?!). We have not been able to agree on which foods to re-introduce after the two weeks as I am dying for my half-and-half in my coffee and my husband wants a big crusty piece of home-made bread. The problem is he cannot slather it with butter! And I cannot have a crusty delicious homemade English muffin for breakfast! We will figure this out………….
Experimenting with gluten-free and dairy-free,
this is what our dinner looked like
last Friday night. I find haricot verts at Trader Joe’s and fresh are my preference but frozen are really good too. The tomato cucumber salad adds a refreshing crunch and a nod to summer, so desperately needed around here (just got ~18 ” snow here!)

~ Marinate salmon in a mix of Tamari (gluten-free), 1/2 tsp. ground ginger, 1/2 tsp. ground garlic, 1 tsp. chili garlic sauce (optional)
~ Broil skin side up first and cook longer on this side, the skin will burn but the salmon gets 3/4 cooked, then flip so flesh side is up.
~ If there is any marinate reserved, pour it onto the salmon and broil until cooked to your level of doneness. I like it opaque all the way through.
~ Let rest for ~ 5 min to allow the juices to redistribute and serve.
~ You can also bake, sauce or grill the salmon, obviously, or not!