It’s summer and who wants to put the oven on? I usually don’t mind in the pursuit of something delicious that warrants it but……….. anyway!
My husband and I will make a pizza at least 3 out of 4 x / month. Once in a while take-out is the best option, but more often than not, a homemade pizza is the way to go. And WAY LESS EXPENSIVE too. It’s unbelievable how much a simple take-out cheese pizza costs and forget about it if you add 2-3 toppings, it can put you in the $22-28. range. FOR A PIZZA???? That is just crazy. Once you try making your own pizza, you will slowly be a convert and realize the endless possibilities for beautiful, delicious, and healthy options.
A friend from work kept talking about how awesome grilled pizza was so I decided to give it a try. I made my homemade pizza dough to start. The grill was fired up. I was shooting for a 400 deg temp. With a papertowel, I rubbed the grates with a coat of grapeseed oil (or any other flavorless oil). I prepared the dough into the shape you see above and you can do any shape you like. You can also divide the dough to make more individual pizzas if using different toppings for each one. Then I drizzled some grapeseed oil onto the dough and used my hands to spread it evenly over the entire surface, this side goes DOWN first on the grill.
I stayed close to the grill, checking to make sure it wasn’t burning. Once it is crusted on the bottom, it lifts easily from the grill grates. If it does not, it either still needs time to crisp or there wasn’t enough oil on the grill grates.
Once crisped, remove from the grill onto any surface large enough for the shape you created. Spread some oil to the non-grilled surface to prevent sticking to the grill when it goes back on with all the toppings added.
Then, VERY IMPORTANT, flip it so that you add toppings to

Add any sauce and toppings just as you would for any pizza. You can use my recipe for homemade pizza as a guideline. For the version shown above, I used my mom’s recipe for homemade tomato meat sauce. Then I added pepperoni, fresh ricotta, fresh basil from the garden, and shredded mozzerella cheese. Slide the pizza back onto the grill at the same 400 deg setting just to warm the pizza and melt the cheese. Use the same cookie sheet or cutting board to transfer the pizza off the grill.
this version has pineapple, sausage, mushroom, basil, red sauce then with added cheese, this goes on the grill to melt
The crust was soooooooo crispy but not overly so and it supported the weight of the toppings without folding in on itself. When I bake this in the oven, the dough isn’t quite as crisp but it is equally delicious. But I will definitely be making more grilled pizzas this summer.

My mouth is watering thinking of my next pizza with homemade pesto, grilled pineapple, shredded chicken, balsamic glaze, arugula, and parmesean cheese. Share your next creation in the comments below, including pictures, to give us all inspiration to try something new.
Your next pizza is just waiting to be discovered!!!!
Yum!! This pizza looks sooooo good delicious!! Such an easy idea for any season & occasion.
thanks! it is fun to take the cooking outside when stuck n a heat wave!